Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MORNING PRAYER (June 12, 2009)

"Give your burdens to the Lord.
He will carry them."
(The LB-Paraphrased)

My burdens made me weary
far too many years.
They hurt me and grew heavy,
and caused me many tears.

Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that You will only give us what we can handle...HOWEVER, we tend to pick up burdens that we do not need. It is not You who gives us this added weight - it is our choice, our will, that adds these troubles to our cross.

Lord, help us to surrender our will to You so that we do not take on what we do not need.

I have so many burdens
I'd like to give to You.
I really do not want them,
please show me what to do.

I cry to You, my Father,
down on bended knee.
Help me to release them,
please hear my crying plea.

Guide me through the steps, Lord,
I'll listen as You speak.
I'll follow Your direction -
Your wisdom's what I seek

I know that You will help me
in everything I do...
You'll carry all my burdens
when I trust in You.

Thank You for offering to carry our burdens, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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