Friday, August 14, 2009

God cares for the helpless & poor (August 10, 2009)

"He will take care of the helpless and poor when they cry to Him;
for they have no one else to defend them.
He feels pity for the weak and needy, and will rescue them.
He will save them from oppression and from violence,
for their lives are precious to Him."
(Psalm 72:12-14, The LB-Paraphrased)

Lord, free those who are bound by oppression, for they are helpless against the enemy. Hear the cries of the poor and have mercy. Please lift their burdens - Rescue these precious souls and place them in a safe haven where they may gather strength from Your love.

Our days and nights
are filled with woe.
Please save us, God,
We've sunk so low.

Bend down Your ear
to hear our cry.
We seek Your help,
Lord, You know why.

We're lost and bound
by ties so tight.
We need You, God,
to make things right.

We lift our hearts
and souls to You,
and ask You, Lord,
to see us through.

We seek You, God,
please lead the way.
Direct our steps,
O Lord we pray.

...through Christ Jesus. Amen.

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