Wednesday, August 5, 2009

MORNING PRAYER - Trust in the Lord with all your heart

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make your paths straight."

(Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)

As I sit by the water

and gaze at the sky,

I look for the answers

as I question, "Why?"

Why did our Father

create you and me,

the sun and the stars

and the deep blue sea?

Why are there mountains

and valleys below?

These are some things

that I’d like to know.

Why is there hatred,

violence and greed?

They're works of the devil,

they are, yes indeed.

Why can't we gather

as one in accord...

one happy family,

with God as our Lord?

Why is there sorrow,

pain and disease?

I ask You, dear Lord.

God, answer me, please.

I sat for a while

to wait on the Lord.

He heard all my questions

for which I implored.

And then with much love,

patience and grace,

the Lord gave me answers

as He looked at my face.

My child, I love you,

and forever I will.

I have all the answers;

please trust Me; be still.

You won't understand,

as it's not time to know.

Some day I will tell you,

but first you must grow.

With each of life's seasons

you'll grasp more and more...

Learn all that you can;

don't fear to explore.

Now, reach for my hand

and I'll lead the way.

Please follow my footsteps,

take heed and obey.

I'll answer your questions

when the timing is right,

but first you must trust Me

and live in My Light.

I will not harm you,

for I am the Lord.

I am your Father,

and, it's you I adore.

With love, faith, and trust I pray to You this day, Lord, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

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