Wednesday, August 5, 2009

MORNING PRAYER - God's Recipe for Life

God's Recipe for Life

God blessed me with a recipe
I'd like to share with you;
He gave me the ingredients
and told me what to do.

He starts with love and adds some joy,
and sprinkles them with grace;
He mixes them with hope and faith
for those who seek His face.

God blends the gift of happiness
with peace and charity;
then He adds the words of truth,
with generosity.

He stirs in trust and worthiness,
and gifts of honor, too.
He mixes them with humbleness
and offers them to you.

God blessed me with this recipe
that I have shared with you.
Please pass it on to others
so they may feel blessed too.

I pray God lovingly blends, mixes and stirs these ingredients into each of your lives, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

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