Wednesday, August 5, 2009

MORNNIG PRAYER - The Faith of a Child

"Unless you change and become like little children,

you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

(Matthew 18:2, NIV)

Children see the world through innocent eyes; they trust and believe without hesitation...My prayer is that each of us become like little children, who place their faith and trust in You without hesitation, Lord. May we open our eyes daily, with a readiness and willingness to explore Your Word. My hopes and dreams are that everyone joyfully seeks and finds You, and that they enter the Kingdom of Heaven through Christ Jesus. Amen.

The hopes and dreams of a child

are seen through innocent eyes.

They believe without hesitation

and ask questions...their favorite is "why?"

They try many things they encounter,

their zeal overcomes their fears.

They look at each day with excitement,

and laugh 'til their eyes fill with tears.

Each day is a new adventure

just waiting for them to explore.

They open their eyes every morning

ready to head out the door.

God blesses the innocent children,

and surrounds them with angels of love.

They're born to this world without asking

and they're given from God above.

..."And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." (Matthew 18:2, 5&6, NIV)

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