Saturday, September 5, 2009

(September 1, 2009) You have made known to me the path of life

"You have made known to me the path of life."
(Psalm 16:11, NIV)

Father in Heaven, thank You for Your great love, and for making the path of life known to me. I am so blessed to have a God who graciously carved out a passageway for me to follow, and lit the Way with a Beacon of Light- the "Morning Star". I pray the eyes of my heart be fixed on that Light, Jesus Christ, and that I follow Him all the days of my life.

Father, I pray for all the world to know the path of life You designed. May it be engraved upon their hearts, and may they travel upon it with the One who will light the Way. Amen.

You've made known a path to me
that leads me where you are.
That path is lit by Jesus Christ,
the shining "Morning Star".

O, it's by grace You carved the Way
and gave me eyes to see
the road I am to travel on
that brings me close to Thee.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

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