Saturday, September 5, 2009

God collects all our tears and preserves them in a bottle (August 31, 2009)

"You have seen me tossing and turning

through the night.

You have collected all my tears

and preserved them in Your bottle!

You have recorded every one in Your book.

(Psalm 56:8, The LB-Paraphrased)

Lord, You know everything about me - my fears and all of my troubles. When I am restless at night You see my deepest sorrows through the dark, and You know every tear that falls from my eyes - You have collected, preserved, and recorded each one in Your Book...There is nothing You do not know.

When I toss and I turn

through the dark of night,

You see all my troubles,

my sorrows and fright.

You collect all the tears

that fall from my eyes,

and preserve them with love

like the stars in the skies.

They're kept in Your bottle

and guarded with care.

You've made them Your treasures,

and each one is rare.

My tears are recorded

in the Book that You keep,

because You are sad

when I'm wounded and weep.

Thank You for loving me so immensely that You save my tears - You make me feel special, God...through Jesus Christ. Amen.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

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