Saturday, September 5, 2009

(September 4, 2009) The truth will set you free

"...and the truth will set you free."
(John 8:32, NIV)
Are you one who has a secret
that is buried down below?
Do you think that you can hide it,
so no one else will know?

Well, God in His vast vision
sees all there is to see.
He truly wants to tell you,
"you can't hide this from Me."

So ask our Lord to help you,
and listen as He speaks.
He'll release your burdens,
if it's freedom your heart seeks.

Please trust our mighty Father
with all that's from your past,
and He will lead you to a place
that will set you free at last.

...through the One who set you free. Amen.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

(September 3, 2009) You are not your own

"You are not your own;
you were bought at a price."
(1 Corinthians 7:3, NIV)

I will never be my own
I was purchased at a price,
by the Lord, my Savior,
known as Jesus Christ.

He paid for all my sins
and set my spirit free,
from the grips of evil
that had its hold on me.

O, my Redeemer, thank You for Your ultimate sacrifice of love - I was ransomed, and You came to my rescue by paying the price with Your precious blood...Thank you for setting me free....Amen.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

(September 2, 2009) Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts."
(Colossians 3:15, NIV)

O, Jesus, come into my life and let Your peace rule in my heart, as this is my heart's desire...

Rule my heart, O Lord,
with Your peace each day.
I want You as my King,
to whom I come to pray.

Lead me through this life,
so I may honor You
in everything I say,
and all the things I do. Your precious Name I pray. Amen.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

(September 1, 2009) You have made known to me the path of life

"You have made known to me the path of life."
(Psalm 16:11, NIV)

Father in Heaven, thank You for Your great love, and for making the path of life known to me. I am so blessed to have a God who graciously carved out a passageway for me to follow, and lit the Way with a Beacon of Light- the "Morning Star". I pray the eyes of my heart be fixed on that Light, Jesus Christ, and that I follow Him all the days of my life.

Father, I pray for all the world to know the path of life You designed. May it be engraved upon their hearts, and may they travel upon it with the One who will light the Way. Amen.

You've made known a path to me
that leads me where you are.
That path is lit by Jesus Christ,
the shining "Morning Star".

O, it's by grace You carved the Way
and gave me eyes to see
the road I am to travel on
that brings me close to Thee.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

God collects all our tears and preserves them in a bottle (August 31, 2009)

"You have seen me tossing and turning

through the night.

You have collected all my tears

and preserved them in Your bottle!

You have recorded every one in Your book.

(Psalm 56:8, The LB-Paraphrased)

Lord, You know everything about me - my fears and all of my troubles. When I am restless at night You see my deepest sorrows through the dark, and You know every tear that falls from my eyes - You have collected, preserved, and recorded each one in Your Book...There is nothing You do not know.

When I toss and I turn

through the dark of night,

You see all my troubles,

my sorrows and fright.

You collect all the tears

that fall from my eyes,

and preserve them with love

like the stars in the skies.

They're kept in Your bottle

and guarded with care.

You've made them Your treasures,

and each one is rare.

My tears are recorded

in the Book that You keep,

because You are sad

when I'm wounded and weep.

Thank You for loving me so immensely that You save my tears - You make me feel special, God...through Jesus Christ. Amen.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

Come to Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest (August 28, 2009)

"Come to Me,
all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you
and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy
and My burden is light."
(Matthew 11:28-30, NIV)

Father, I pray for those who are weary and carry a heavy heart. May they find their way to rest at Your feet, and leave their burdens in Your care - Please release them from the weight of their yokes, and make them light. Let them learn from You, and witness your gentle and kind heart.

I've acquired burdens
along the path of life,
and do not wish to keep them,
because they've caused me strife.

My yoke is far too heavy
to carry one more night.
The earth is dark and dreary
and I can't see Your Light.

Show me where You are, Lord,
I want to come to You,
to give You all my burdens,
and bid them all adieu. Jesus' Name. Amen.
With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

See to it none turns from God (August 26, 2009)

"See to it, brothers,
that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart
that turns away from the living God.
But encourage one another daily,
as long as it is called Today,
so that none of you may be hardened
by sin's deceitfulness."
(Hebrews 3:12-13, NIV)

Lord, never allow me to wander from Your sight - My desire is to come to You with a pure and believing heart. Please surround me with brothers and sisters who encourage my spirit to live in accordance with Your plans, each Today, so that I may keep Your commands and bring glory to Your name.

Father, I pray You rebuke the enemy for his attempts to harden me with sinful deception - crush him beneath my feet, and render him helpless. I pray this in the name of the One who sits at Your right hand. Amen.

With love, friendship, hope & prayer,

© Kristine Stanton